Dr. Stavros Nicolopoulos (NanoMEGAS) as guest editor of a Special Issue “Electron Diffraction and Structural Imaging” of MDPI Journal Symmetry

01/03/2021 | General

Dr. Stavros Nicolopoulos (NanoMEGAS) as guest editor of a Special Issue “Electron Diffraction and Structural Imaging” of MDPI Journal Symmetry

Dr. Stavros Nicolopoulos, NanoMEGAS
Dr. Stavros Nicolopoulos, NanoMEGAS

Dr. Stavros Nicolopoulos has been chosen as guest editor of a Special Issue entitled “Electron Diffraction and Structural Imaging” in the journal Symmetry

The deadline for manuscript submissions is settled for 15th August 2021.

As a reminder, since 1996, MDPI has been a pioneer in scholarly open access publishing. Its mission is to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. Composed by 319 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals are supported by more than 84,200 academic editors.

In the journal Symmetry, Dr. Stavros Nicolopoulos has been chosen as guest editor of a Special Issue entitled “Electron Diffraction and Structural Imaging”.

In this Special Issue entitled “Electron Diffraction and Structural Imaging”, contributions, covering any aspect of ED, structural imaging, and other related in-situ techniques, which make use of consolidated or advanced TEM instrumentation with potential applications for a wide range of materials, are welcoming.

The deadline for manuscript submissions is settled for 15th August 2021.

More information just here.