The Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory (CMAL) is hosted by the Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology. The purpose of CMAL is provide resources for conducting excellent research and to be a meeting place for researchers, students and industrial partners. CMAL promotes multi-disciplinary approaches to meet scientific challenges. The involved departments at Chalmers cover a wide range of scientific activities spanning from synthesis; nanostructuring; basic understanding, modelling and tailoring of materials and properties; and device fabrication. CMAL and the Eva Olsson Group possesses outstanding expertise in electron microscopy techniques as well as method and software development.
A Focused Ion Beam (FIB) FEI Versa3D LoVac DualBeam instrument equipped with a Gas Injection System (GIS) for deposition of Pt and C, an Omniprobe for in-situ manipulation of the specimen and TEM lamella extraction; a Tescan GAIA3 with GIS for deposition of Pt, C and injection of XeF2 and water, Omniprobe for in-situ manipulation of the specimen and TEM lamella extraction, a Leica VCT500 cryo set facilitate cryo cooled samples to the GAIA for in situ TEM specimen preparation, cryo cooled manipulators with separate temperature control; Kleindiek micromanipulators for electrical and mechanical experiments, Oxford X-Max 80 mm2 detector for EDX analysis, a NordlysNano Camera for EBSD analysis and 3D EDX and EBSD mapping; a Fischione ion mill; a Fischione plasma cleaner; sputter coaters; wire saws; low speed diamond saws; mechanical grinding systems; electro polishing systems; Leica plunge freezing system.
(i) The probe Cs-aberration corrected Titan 80-300 with a monochromator
(ii) The probe and image Cs-aberration corrected JEOL ARM 200 with a monochromator
The combination of TEMs and equipment at CMAL and Eva Olsson Group (EOG) is a unique constellation with capabilities for high spatial resolution imaging with high precision (1 pm), high energy resolution for electron energy loss spectroscopy, high solid angle detector geometry for rapid and atomic resolution energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis, in situ capabilities for studies of electrically, mechanically, optically and thermally induced effects and local correlation between structure and properties. The two TEMs offer the possibility to study materials at different acceleration voltages ranging from 30 kV to 300 kV. There are x-ray detectors, STEM detectors for HAADF, ABF, BF, segmented STEM detector, CL detector, DualEELS and FastEELS detectors. There are holders for different in situ studies and tomography.
Software is available for optimal data acquisition and quantitative data evaluation of results from the different analysis modes. There is also software for simulation of data to support the data evaluation. In addition, tailored software for special aspects of different material systems is developed in house for further refinement of data acquisition and evaluation.
The activities within the infrastructure include and support work on materials and structures in a wide spectrum of fields ranging from soft matter to engineering materials; with science ranging from basic to applied research; with activities ranging from theoretical modelling to device fabrication; with applications from bio-materials to cutting tools; and with exploitations conducted together with established companies or as start-up enterprises. The breadth of the research provides a readiness to take on the challenges faced by society and to forge a close collaboration with industry on different levels and on different time scales.
The JEOL TEM will be delivered and installed during the spring of 2018 and is scheduled to be available for use the autumn of 2018.
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